Effin' Sweet

Welcome to Your Life, There's No Turning Back...

Sunday, September 11, 2005

50 Cent, Eat Your Heart Out. Amazing as it is, the gigantic gold crucifix, black speedo, and hairy chest combo just hasn't caught-on, this side of the Atlantic.

So, while sitting on my beach chair, my pale, fish-belly Irish skin brazenly exposed to sun, reading through my notes on DNA replication, I happened to notice three guys hanging out together on two towels. They were blonde, middle-aged white guys, and they were curled out on the sand dune... awfully close to each other. Do the math, 3 guys, 2 towels. Not a lot of personal space. So Ally and I exchanged furtive glances...

"Ally, what do you think? Gay?"


I quickly re-evaluated the scene: "Umm... maybe not. Y'know, they might just be European." And at one point, I actually did hear them speaking in German or a German accent. They fit the look. And European men don't have as many hang-ups about personal space as American men do.

Which brings me to the title of the article: "Are you European? ...or just gay?"