Effin' Sweet

Welcome to Your Life, There's No Turning Back...

Sunday, September 11, 2005

... but then again...

So obviously, there are boundaries between what is accepted as straight, and what is assumed to be gay.

At this point, I'd like to make clear that I don't have anything against people who are gay. I respect them just as much as anyone else. I can understand if this article looks like I'm making fun of homosexual people. But this is not the case. I'm just trying to explore the idea of perception. How behavior is perceived by your typical American, and how people from other parts of the world don't necessarily subscribe to those particular boundaries.

More than anything else, I find it all really funny. I find it all amusing, that a group of men, just spending time with each other, doing some activity not traditionally pre-approved as "normal," are assumed to be gay. Mostly, I find my own perception, when I was looking at the European guys hanging out on the beach together, extremely funny, and even more embarassing.