Effin' Sweet

Welcome to Your Life, There's No Turning Back...

Wednesday, December 28, 2005

2005 Bloggie Awards

Welcome, one and all to the 2005 "Bloggie" Awards! Today, we take a moment to recognize the talented men and women who've brought some of the best blogs to the internet, sharing their anecdotes, their unique perspectives, their very selves into our virtual, hard-wired world. Without their participation, creativity, and enthusiasm, I would most certainly study a whole lot more, and probably get better grades.

Oh well.

Billy Crystal couldn't make it this year, so I'll be doing my humble part in hosting these prestigious awards.

First Up: The Bloggie Award for,
"Blog Most Likely to Feature Louie Molesting a Drag Queen."

And the nominees are: "Louie's Transsexual Tips 'n' Tricks," "Astoria's Wildest Party Boys," "Fondleblog," and "Migglah's World."

And the the Bloggie Award for, "Blog Most Likely to Feature Louie Molesting a Drag Queen" goes to... Migglah's World! Migglah's World is a great blog that updated fairly regularly by our buddy, Marla. She roots for the Red Sox, but we forgive her for that. Barely.

Next Up, the "Bloggie" Award for...
"Best Comeback Blog"

This award is given out to that special blog that everyone thought had ground to a halt, with no updates for weeks or even months, only to return with a flurry of articles, with such enthusiasm as if to make up for lost time...

And the nominees are, "Coping With Attention Deficit Disorder... Huh?," "Capricious, the Blog," "The Official Haley's Comet Blog!," and "Insanity Is My Only Defense."

And the Bloggie Award for, "Best Comeback Blog" goes to... Insanity Is My Only Defense! IIMOD is an always-entertaining blog, tenaciously updated by our good friend, Chris. There was a rough patch of time between October 16th and November 24th in which I very nearly gave up all hope that it would be updated ever again. However, I was quite relieved to be proven wrong by Chris, as he's been blogging like a fiend since then!

The "Bloggie" Award for...
"Most Frustrating Comment Process on a Blog"

And the nominees are, "Dead Language Blogs United," "Marching Morse Code Monkeys," "Swahili Sam," and "Miller, Coors, and Budweiser."

And the Bloggie Award for "Most Frustrating Comment Process on a Blog" goes to... Miller, Coors, and Budweiser! MC&B is a brand-new blog by Kevin. While his articles on X-Box 360 pyramid schemes and the Chronicles of Narnia are awesome... his blog restrictions have left my comments in internet limbo forever. (Editor's Note: At writing, I was unaware that comments had finally gotten posted on MC&B. Who said instant gratification is impossible? My apologies, Kevin... you still have an awesome blog.)

The "Bloggie" Award for...
"Best Blog Written By, For, or About James Grant"

And the nominees are, "I Hide Outside Jim Grant's Window Every Night in the Bushes, the Blog," "Guitars, the Jets, and the Navy... and the Eagle Scouts Who Love Them," "Truckasaurus Tales," and "Everyone Else Is Doing It Why Can't I?"

And the Bloggie Award for "Best Blog Written By, For, or About James Grant" goes to... Everyone Else Is Doing It Why Can't I! EEIDIWCI is a fantastic new blog, not even two months old, and provides the wry perspectives on life of James Grant, by the man himself! EEIDIWCI is shaping up to be a consistent crowd-pleaser in our blog-o-sphere, and he's just getting warmed up!

The "Bloggie" Award for...
"Blog Most Likely to Mention Gambling, The OC, or Something Political"

And the nominees are, "Al Franken's Over-Under," "ACLU on The OC," Bill Maher's Bookie Blog," and "The Long and Winding Road (Revisited)"

And the Bloggie Award for, "Blog Most Likely to Mention Gambling, The OC, or Something Political" goes to... The Long and Winding Road (Revisited)! TLAWRR is the longest-lived of our little patch of the blog-o-sphere, and with good reason, as Mikey has consistently produced excellent blog entries, encompassing politics, sports, TV, music, and the always appreciated, "Turkey and Bagel Day."

The "Bloggie" Award for...
"Pinkest Blog"

And the nominees are, " Stacy's Super Sugar Sweet Sorority Sisters!," "Butterfly Dreams and Unicorn Fantasies," "Gus Brunechek's Blog," and "Five-Hour Phone Conversations"

And the Bloggie Award for "Pinkest Blog" goes to... Five-Hour Phone Conversations! 5HPC is arguably one of the more heartfelt and sincere blogs around, as our pal, Maggie, often discusses homelessness, crass consumerism, and Christian Bale. Rock-on, Maggie!

The "Bloggie" Award for...
"Absentee Landlord Blog"

This award goes to the blog that, at this writing, appears to be completely abandoned and shows little promise of ever being updated.

And the nominees are, "I'm Just Registering So I Can Comment On Other People's Blogs, the Blog," "Bob Hope's Blog," "Ross Perot for Prez!," and "You Don't Like It? I Don't Care!"

And the Bloggie Award for "Absentee Landlord Blog" goes to... You Don't Like It? I Don't Care! YDLIIDC takes the prize and completes the "busting Louie's chops" bookends of this article. Louie, we love you. Now update your blog. We miss you! It's been nearly two months!

The "Bloggie" Award for...
"Reader's Choice: Favorite Effin' Sweet Article"

And the winner, since there was only one nomination (shame on all the rest of you! Or maybe every one of my articles suck, so shame on me?) is... "Commencements: Endings and Beginnings," August 22nd, 2005. (You'll have to scroll down to the article, if you want to click the link to see it. My sincerest gratitude to Chris for nominating this article. Commencements featured the end to my summer vacation and my trepidation about beginning med school. Plus, it welcomed into the world our dear, dear beer pong table - Duff Stadium. Long may it stay level and coverd in beer!

Finally, the "Bloggie " Award for...
"Most Faithful Effin' Sweet Blog Commenter"

And the nominees are, Tio Marco, Maggie, Super Al, and Chris. Quite a horserace, but the standings are clear: to date, Tio Marco has left a hefty 9 comments, and Maggie has left 10. Super Al looked like the favorite to win, with a total 24 comments. However, Chris is clearly victorious, with a whopping 30 comments!

But all comments, many or few, are always appreciated, and I thank you all for taking the time to tell me what you think of my blog. It's been quite a year. To describe this year, I need only two words:

"Effin' Sweet!"

Feedback Question of the Day:
"What are you looking forward to most, in 2006?"


At 1:11 AM, Blogger Chris said...

WOW! Well let me take a moment and thank all the little people who made the winning of these two Bloggies possible.

My gardener Javier, who would serenade me with a sweet Guatemalan love song before making passionate yet gentle love to me...(Quote courtesy of “The 40 Year Old Virgin).

My little dog Sparky, who would fetch me the morning paper each day and lick the peanut butter off my balls.

And finally, thanks to Tom Crimmins who was kind enough to make-up a category just for me!

At 2:21 PM, Blogger Maggie said...

It was an honor just... Screw it! I won! I won! I WONNNNNNNNNNNN!!!!

At 7:18 PM, Blogger Marla said...

I would like to thank Louie for being such a good sport. It isn't often that Louie molests/ fondles Drag Queens, But, I was there to get the money shot.

I also like to thank Tom Crimmins for recognizing the magnitude of this photo.

It really was an honor to be nominated, but I am truly psyched that I won!!!

I am looking forward to New Year's Eve, and to my Gastric Bypass Surgery which hopefully will be Tuesday January 3rd!!!!


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