Effin' Sweet

Welcome to Your Life, There's No Turning Back...

Wednesday, February 08, 2006

Please Standby...

...please stand by... this blog is experiencing technical difficulties...

Usually by now, I've updated this dang thing. But, of course, when my blog updates become increasingly scattered and infrequent, there can only be one reason - I'm on drugs again. Well, that's not exactly true, because the second most likely answer is true: I have another test coming up. So make like Dionne Warwick and "say a little prayer for me," because I'll need all the help I can get (this is sounding awfully repetitive... but what can I say? It's worked so far! We're 3-for-3, here, guys. Let's extend the streak to 4!)

On the afternoon of February 14th, you can probably look forward to some new updates on both Effin' Sweet and Wedded Blitz. Hopefully I'll finally be able to do my run-down on current events... politics, religion, ethics... all sorts of things I was told not to talk about while in bartenders' school. And in Wedded Blitz, look forward to two, count 'em "2" articles, which will discuss Wedding Party Profiles 2: Andrea and Jim, and a little spotlight on the one-and-only Brother - Father James C. Williams, who just recently confirmed that he will be handling the priestly duties for the upcoming August Matrimon-athon.

So yes, in my lame, boring, Weight-Watching point-counting lifestyle... I'm looking forward to sitting down and blogging next week. Zip-a-dee-doo-dah!

And now, for no reason, here's a picture of me in my "Baron Bubblewrap" costume I wore for J&J's Halloween Party a couple of months ago (and yes, this is what I looked like mere hours before proposing to Ally! It really sets a romantic mood, don't you think?)

I will hypnotize you with my oh-so poppable bubbles! Muhahahah!

Seeya Tuesday!

Feedback Question of the Day:
"...and don't you think I look good in this hat?"


At 10:25 PM, Blogger Chris said...

Good luck and God Speed!

(And by the way, Awsome news about Father James doing the ceremony)


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