Effin' Sweet

Welcome to Your Life, There's No Turning Back...

Tuesday, September 06, 2005

Kanye, "Holier Than Thou" West

You know... you're allowed to not like politicians. And you're granted the freedom of speech. But these days, it seems like freedom of speech is being interpreted as "mandate for assholery." Save your eloquently-formed opinions (the dufus can barely put a sentence together) for yourself and your blinged-out, Cristal-swilling cohorts, Kanye. You're on television to encourage people to help out their fellow Americans amidst a tragedy. Keep your absurd conspiracy theories and ignorant world view and your superficial, self-serving lifestyle to yourself.

Things like poise, courtesy, and maturity seem to be completely ignored today, as celebrities use their exposure to spout off on subjects they typically know very little about. Call me crazy, but I think someone who's job it is to run a government has a little more realistic appreciation for the state of the world than a minimally educated guy who rhymes things real good and popularized the return of the pink polo shirt.

Personally, I find it incredibly selfish and immature to ad-lib a political diatribe while you're supposed to be encouraging people to donate. Is Kanye helping the situation? I think not. If anything, he's probably pissing off people and perhaps convincing some to NOT donate. Save the soundbites for afterwards... after the people have been assisted.

I give Mike Myers a lot of credit for maintaining his professionalism and composure while the hack next to him rambles on and on incoherently. I'll say this: That was one time I can admit that a Canadian was far superior to the American.

And to all of you out there, please donate to the relief effort, if you haven't already.


At 9:51 AM, Blogger Tom said...

My first comment from Mikey! And I appreciate all the kind words!

Welcome to the revolution.

PS: It will not be televised...

At 11:32 PM, Blogger Chris said...

Mikey never comments! WOW!

Oh wait, who gives a shit? I mean...it's only Mikey.


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