Effin' Sweet

Welcome to Your Life, There's No Turning Back...

Thursday, July 14, 2005

What Have I Gotten Myself Into?

"See Indy? Real solid! Strong wood! Real - Aaaaaa!" Earlier this summer, Tom makes his first tentative steps back into hiking at nearby Storm King Mountain.

Why does a man climb a mountain?

Because it's there?

Or more likely, because he's trying to prove something to himself.

What... have I gotten myself into? In less than five weeks, I'll be returning to Mount Washington, the tallest mountain in the contigual 48 United States. All 6,288 feet of it. Now, I know this isn't such a big deal to some people out there... but as far as I'm concerned, this is about as extreme as I'm willing to sport it. The last time I tackled Mount Washington, I was 19, weighed 190 lbs, and typically ran 5 miles daily. Right now, I'm nowhere near that sort of physical shape.

So if this doesn't give me the incentive to get into better shape, I don't know what will. Aside from the incentive of living a healthier, more fulfilling life, and being able to see my feet without the aid of corset and a funhouse mirror. Those incentives are fine and dandy, but what I really need to get my butt out of Micky D's and on the treadmill is the prospect of having a coronary somewhere on the misty slopes of the Presidential Range in New Hampshire. Heck. Maybe this'll scare me straight.

I've invited others to join me in my quest to walk to the top of a gigantic pile of dirt and rock, and surprisingly, someone actually said he'd join me! Imagine that! Yep, Pimpdaddy Darius will be my partner in this last-ditch bit of weekend warring. Plus, we'll get to burn things in the campfire. Fire is cool. And I'll finally have the satisfaction of seeing my physics textbook, medical school rejections, and MCAT practice materials go up in flames. So effin' sweet. Maybe we'll just ditch all the hiking and play with fire all day instead!