Effin' Sweet

Welcome to Your Life, There's No Turning Back...

Friday, August 12, 2005

Clearly, Al did his finest work during his famous, "8-Bit Period." What's a better way to spend a Friday night, than to patiently and persistently paint a pixelated portrait with a pal? Play pool? Poppycock!

Then, of course, we quite naturally come to SummerSlam '05, our annual barbecue reunion and softball deathmatch. And, also quite naturally, I will defer all discussion of said event until a later date, as I'd like very much to ramble unceasingly about all the trivial minutiae of the day... including why N-Rod has to be on my team next year.

Seriously, Nim.

But in regards to the above image, Al and I spent many of the wee hours leading up to "The 'Slam," in my kitchen laboring at our respective projects. While I was trying to adequately caricaturize a Marianist Brother with a baseball mitt for a t-shirt stencil, Al was crafting this masterpiece! Taken right from the actual graphic, Al faithfully recreated the immortal Mega Man in all his 8-Bit glory. Personally, I hope he follows this up with a series of other Nintendo-themed paintings, and I think I just might commission him to make me a Legend of Zelda mural!