Effin' Sweet

Welcome to Your Life, There's No Turning Back...

Friday, August 12, 2005

Something stinks in here. Probably the Blog is backing up...

I have so much to talk about, and much less space to do it in. Sort of like what Willy Wonka was always rambling about. I recently was clued-in by some close friends that my blog entries have a way of absorbing A LOT of time, by being EXTREMELY long. I guess when I want to talk about going to Ozzfest, I should wrap up my ponderings about the etymological origins of the suffix "-fest" in the first 9 or so paragraphs. Sorry, my bad.

Probably not surprising why only my most obsessive friends actually make it all the way to the feedback question at the end.

But be that as it may, I won't be able to talk about everything I want to talk about this time. Since my last entry a whole lot of stuff has happened, and I'll probably need to portion out these anecdotal nuggets over the next couple of blog entries. Next week will be busy! And so will I, as I hurtle inevitably towards my destiny at New York College of Osteopathic Medicine on August 23rd.