Effin' Sweet

Welcome to Your Life, There's No Turning Back...

Friday, August 12, 2005

The USS Carl Vinson aircraft carrier rolls into Norfolk Naval Base while the sailors man the rails in dress whites. Simply must be seen to be believed.

Regardless of your political affiliation. I don't care if you like Jon Stewart or Bill O'Reilly. It matters not if you're a starchy, war-hawk republican oppressor or even a dirty hippy... watching as a United States aircraft carrier comes into port, with all the sailors lined up at attention along the outter rails in their dress white uniforms... is just cool. No debate. Just awesome.

Our dear friend Jim finally came home from his stint in the middle east at the end of July. And I think we can all agree... we're much happier to have him home. Of course, the adventures of my travelling down to Virginia to see him off the ship, and the various other exploits of our collective banditry and jackassery will be sure to be divulged in a future entry.

And just to whet your appetites... some of the exploits involve...

...drunk girls.

OH! Now I've said too much!