Effin' Sweet

Welcome to Your Life, There's No Turning Back...

Friday, August 12, 2005

When a one-handed Horn simply won't do... Tommy pulls out the two-fister on the Sabbath!

I suppose I need to touch upon my Ozzfest experience... even though I think I covered everything quite nicely last time. I tell you, I almost dislocated my shoulder from all the pats on the back I was giving myself for all my cleverly downloaded pictures I got from google. Yeah... there's nothing more Amish than a guy who blogs about an event he won't get pictures of for another two weeks. But then again, we took graduation pictures of some students a whole year before they graduated at Chaminade... and we always got away with it.

Be that as it may, you can also look forward to some 'pitchers' from Ozzfest in an upcoming blog. Full of fun, satanic goodness... with an extra dose of Louie.