Effin' Sweet

Welcome to Your Life, There's No Turning Back...

Saturday, October 01, 2005

Let's Go, Yanks!

Somehow... despite a frustrating season, the Yankees came back, with some true grit, to end up as kings of the AL-East mountain. It's been a wild ride, but they've done a complete turn-around since the All-Star break... battling back from the basement of the American League.

Of course, nobody can really talk about the "heroic season" of the Yankees with a straight face. Ever. Of course not... not the Evil Empire, not the Swollen Payroll... not those Damn Yankees.

Yeah, the Yanks have money. And the Yanks have history. But why punish them? What did they do wrong? Did they somehow steal money from the Kansas City Royals... or rob the Detroit Tigers' grandmas' life savings? Are they the bad guys because they've been so successful? If the Yankees were a store, they'd be Starbucks... or even perhaps, Wal-Mart.

Pretty much everyone outside of New York hates the Yankees. Understandably. Their dominance over the sport has extended over the last century... with a whole lot of guys in pinstripes immortalized in Cooperstown. They have the money and prestige to attract the best players. They have an owner who's notorious for his over-the-top expectations for his team. And they represent a city that, at large, isn't exactly known for it's humility.

But is it really deserving of "hate"? Derek Jeter doesn't sell crack to school kids. Mariano Rivera doesn't engage in white slavery. Jorge Posada doesn't sell child pornography.... anymore. I think, then, more accurately, everyone ENVIES the Yankees.

And "number one" on the list of Yankee Enviers, is the Red Sox fan.

Bunch of scumbags.