Effin' Sweet

Welcome to Your Life, There's No Turning Back...

Monday, September 19, 2005

Lines Writ at Med School, Part 1

Hey guys,
I realized that I'm probably only going to be able to do one of my typical mammoth entries once a week, usually on a Friday or something... but there's a lot of random junk that pops up every now and then, that I want to share, but I don't wait until Friday... so there'll be another recurring feature on this blog:

"Lines Writ at Med School"

And basically, it'll just be shorter blog entries written while at med school. Yeah, I know, not very creative. But I pretty much can't wait a whole week sometimes...

Like today I had OMM lab. OMM stands for Osteopathic Manipulative Medicine. Basically, we utilize a lot of psychology, emotionally manipulating unsuspecting people... lying and backstabbing, learning to play others like puppets. No, actually, OMM is for physical manipulation: examinations that involve touching people. Yeah, you may snicker and laugh now... but when you pinch a nerve or wrench your back someday, you'll know who to come to. This is one aspect that DO's have over MD's... we're trained to identify problems in posture and muscle and bone structure based on sight and touch and range of motion. And we're also trained to fix the problems using touch and other manipulative procedures.

One catch: guys take their shirts off. You may be thinking, "what kind of school is this, anyway?" But, we examine each other first... it's the only way to learn. So let's just say, I have a brand new motivation for jogging every day.

And maybe waxing my back.



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