(Artists's depiction of my brain on Monday)Well, I've certainly screwed up worst tests than that one before. And I'm still alive to tell about them. Oh, don't mind me, I'm just trying to render myself into a more passive emotional state, regarding the FUBAR Neuro test I just took on Monday.
What to say, really? I studied hard... all the wrong stuff. I gave it the ol' college try, but then remembered that I wasn't in college anymore. Blech. But here's the really annoying part:
I don't know if I passed or not. 48 hours have come and gone since I staggered out of the that testing area, and I have no idea what to do next. Here's a little backstory, to flesh out my predicament...
My neurology system curriculum is broken into three separate exams, given roughly one month apart. In my previous systems (blood and skin), I've only had one exam each. Neuro is a big system, obviously. Previously, if a student failed the system exam, he or she was given the opportunity to take the retest, usually a week later. If, in the event that the student failed the retest, they then had a final chance to retake the test during the summer, after a brief review period. But that can only happen once. Otherwise you would be "academically dismissed."
Unfortunately, since Neuro is broken into three portions, if a student fails an exam and then fails the retest, there would not be enough time during the summer for a review. Sort of a "2 Strikes - You're Out" policy. This is a scary thing.
Thus, I'm quite acutely interested in whether or not I have to take a retest in a week. Because it'll be my last chance. And since we're off Monday, I assume the test would be Tuesday... and time is ticking. I don't know whether to continue studying the new stuff (which'll be tested on March 12th) or start reviewing the old stuff. Plus, I'm kinda banking on having the retest on Tuesday, because I want to start studying the new stuff. Every day that it is potentially prolonged, is one less day to study the new stuff.
This sucks. It really, really does.
But of course, if I passed, then I have nothing to worry about. The bottom line is, I just want to know. I'll keep you guys posted...
Tom's crystal ball is a little cloudy...Anyway... what's up with the rest of the world? Vice President Cheney shot a guy. That's great. And to touch upon the ever-entertaining political jousting between Mikey and Chris, I agree with both of you somewhat. Yes, this is an embarrassing scenario for the Republicans, and no doubt, they're going to get ridiculed for it, just as Democrats took flak over Monica Lewinski. But there really isn't much of a political intrigue here... the Vice President was out with friends and had an accident. It isn't like he was hunting humans for sport. (Although if the comments I've read on the internet are any indication, there are a whole lot of people that think that, anyway!) I'm sure gun-control people, and animal-rights people will probably grind their axes a little more over this one, but that's about all. Rich white guy accidentally shoots other rich white guy doesn't give much partisan heft, y'know? Maybe if they caught the Vice President clubbing illegal Mexican day laborers from the back of a moving pickup truck... that would be a whole lot juicier. But Dick Cheney stopped doing that months ago... everyone knows that...
A little closer to home... 52 days and counting (at this writing) since a certain
NFO's last post. Since I haven't heard from the guy since New Year's... I can only assume that he's quite busy with some heavy-undercover black ops stuff. That... or he's really not that into blogging anymore. One or the other, I'm sure.
In the spirit of equality, though, my good buddy,
Louie, has quite clearly left his mark 108 days ago... and most likely for good. But the cool thing about his last blog entry is, that it really is rather timeless. Especially if you're reading it at 4AM. No matter what day it is... or what mood you're in... his last post will apply to you. And most definitely at 4AM. Like the Beatles, Superman, and Great Pyramid of Giza... it will stand the test of time...
Crabby and sarcastic is no way to blog... so I'll sign off, now. Take care of your bad selves!