Effin' Sweet

Welcome to Your Life, There's No Turning Back...

Monday, August 22, 2005

"Are You Threatening Me?" Jim can make those scary faces with the best of 'em. Which is why the military is a perfect fit for the gent. And the glasses are fabulous, just so you know!

Alas, due to a fun weekend upstate, I missed out on saying goodbye to one of my closest buds. Regret Numero Dos? Missing ol' Jimbo's farewell gala. Lamentably, an otherwise awesome handful of days and even a couple more nights of drunken hare-brained schemes of Jim and Tom ended with an anti-climactic afternoon in Manhattan at the Peculier Pub. (The name of the joint was purposely mis-spelled, but I'm not sure what the specific mis-spelling was, so just accept it, and let's move on...) Chris, Jim, and I fortunately were able to get in our requisite Deep Conversation of the Jim Season, then. (For the uninitiated, there are two Jim Seasons: Christmas and Summer) But the final man-hug and "I'll talk to ya soon," opportunity was not to-be. I regret that. Jim, I love ya buddy. And Georgia Peach sends her southern regards!

"This is a celebration, bitches! Enjoy yourselves!"