Effin' Sweet

Welcome to Your Life, There's No Turning Back...

Thursday, August 25, 2005

Katie, Mary, and Ally cavort on the Jersey Shore... while Tom's physique is fortunately covered from view. Sadly, no free medical equipment was found on the beach.

I realize that this'll probably be the last goofy-type, pre-planned blog entry for a while. I won't have the luxury of scanning a lot of pictures, or writing paeans to long-lost acquaintances. Pretty much, I anticipate this blog to have a series of terse, stream-of-consciousness ventings which may or may not make a lot of sense and will probably involve bad language.

It might look something like this:

NOVEMBER 11th, 2005
"Shit Shit Fucky Shit"

here we go again, another blog. should be working on biochem who the hell cares about the krebs cycle anyway? goddamit im not sleeping tonight AGAIN AGAIN AGAIN! lost my watch in the cadaver i think it fell in the spleen why to my pants smell what day is it

you wanna hear a joke yeah me too. HA!

only got a three on the last quiz. How was I supposed to know what plane was transfixed about the somatic dysfunction in the cervical spine? am i psychic?

so tired so tired

Seeya next time!

Kill me!

So, yeah, it might start to look like that. Just try to take it with a grain of salt. Or better yet, just wait until the holidays. I'll have some juice left over for creativity. Maybe!