Effin' Sweet

Welcome to Your Life, There's No Turning Back...

Thursday, August 25, 2005

All the Crimmins Sibs together again. And somehow they're all getting along... for now. Mary, Meg, Mike, Katie, and Tom take over the kids table.

If you're wondering what these pictures are all of, I'll shed some light. They're from the family weekend down at the Jersey Shore, in Manasquan. I've never actually sat down and quaffed a few brews with my sibs before, so it was a truly fun time. Plus, we saw Wedding Crashers... which was absolutely hysterical. If you like Vince Vaughn's shtick, then you'll love it. If you really can't get over Owen Wilson's crunked-up shnoz, then you might want to skip it.

But I thought it was great.

And it'll probably be the last flick I see for a while.

Until next time, crew!

Feedback Question of the Day:
"What was the scariest transition you've ever had to make? A big change, such as starting a new school or moving to a new neighborhood or finally getting the sex-change operation, in which you really weren't sure how it was going to play out? How did it work out in the end?"


At 12:07 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Don't know so much about past challanges...

But I just got a job in Brooklyn and I'll be moving there to avoid the commute. I grew up in the nice wooded areas of the North Shore of Long Island, so it's going to be more than a little system shock trading big trees for big buildings.

First thing comes to mind when thinking of the new job and moving is definately "eep!"

At 11:03 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

i have probably 2

going from computer systems engineering to fine arts during my senior year in college.

telling my parents i'm marrying michelle.

At 12:18 PM, Blogger Chris said...

Becomming a cop, it has worked out just fine

At 11:39 PM, Blogger Chris said...

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