Effin' Sweet

Welcome to Your Life, There's No Turning Back...

Thursday, August 25, 2005

Meg and Tom share a tender moment in the pool.

NYCOM, The New York College of Osteopathic Medicine, will be my stomping grounds for the next few years. Whether I'll be the stomp-er, or the stomp-ee, remains to be seen. I'm probably going to have to push myself harder than I ever have before. It'll take a lot of sacrifice, but I really do feel like I have it within me to actually make it through.

God I hope so.

To reiterate from my last post. I've had a great year this year. Despite the ER job, and staying up all night making t-shirts, AL-bums, and "Just Married" signs, it's all been wonderful. I've had the blessing to be relatively free to help organize Al's abduction and subsequent bachelor party; throw a couple of great shindigs, including a Halloween Hootenanny, football fete, Birthmas Spectacular, Instant Cinco de Mayo, and SummerSlam '05; see Al and Michelle, Matt and Marissa, Kat and Andrew, Andrea and Chris, and Jenna and Jay get married; gone paintballing; seen Jimbo's triumphant return aboard the aircraft carrier; built a beer pong table; and see Batman Begins three times.

So it's been a pretty damn great time. In my own humble opinion!