Effin' Sweet

Welcome to Your Life, There's No Turning Back...

Monday, August 22, 2005

"Remind me again why we did this?" Jay takes a lil' breather on one of the "half-way" cliffs while Tom quietly has a stroke.

Well, long story short: we didn't go to Mount Washington. Long explanation short: because I screwed up. Who'da thunk it, that a twerpy little campsite at the foot of the tallest mountain in the northeast would be booked solid when I called to inquire the night before the trip in August? The Mount Washington Fiasco died a cold, lonely, anonymous death in the wilderness in the wake of SummerSlam '05, Jim's return home, and my last days at St. Francis. It simply was not given the attention it required. And thus, we did not go.


"Save the Day" Jay suggested an alternative, less suicidal, plan for the weekend. So Brian and I headed up to Tarrytown for a weekend of imbibery, Kung-Fu Husslery, BBQ-ery, video gamery, mountain hikery, Batmanery, and some other Very Bad Things. I'd have to say, however, in truth, that an otherwise perfectly pleasant weekend of eating, drinking, and watching awesome flicks in the Gutierrezes..es...es' kickass apartment was unceremoniously interrupted by an afternoon hike (read: at 12 noon... 100 degrees in the shade) up a fun lil' 70 degree incline for a couple of hours. But then again, afterwards, we felt less guilty about chowin' down and drinkin' up. So...

Two Thumbs Up.

Wait til' next year, Mount Washington!